Represented by
Dr. Wolfram Krause (CEO)
Jan Witte (President)
Fon: +49 931 3 52 92-0
Fax: +49 931 3 52 92-29
Purchase tax-identify number accordant § 27 a purchase tax law: 92 57 18 66 06 8
Responsible for Content
Dr. Wolfram Krause (CEO)
The imprit is also valid for the following Social Media Profile
1. Liability limitations
Content of the website
The content of this website is made with carefulness as much as possible. But the provider does not guarantee the rightness, completeness and date range of the content.
Availability of the website
The provider will effort to provide the service uninterruptible. But within carefulness it is not possible to exclude interruptions. The provider reserves the right to modify the website whenever the provider wants.
External links
This website contains links to other websites (external links). These websites are liable to the commitment of the particular pro-vider. At first time linkage the provider checked the sites if any legal offences does exist. We could not find any legal offences at that time. The Provider doesn’t have any influence due to the current or future configura-tion of the linked websites. To set a link does not mean, that the provider does adopt the con-tent of the site behind the link as his own. A permanent control of the content of the linked sites is not rea-sonable without any concrete manifestations of law offences.
The particular author is responsible for the content of the adver-tisement as well as for the content of the advertised website.
No contractual relationship
Using the website does not include any contractual relationship between user and provider. Insofar there does not result any contractual or quasi-contractual demands against the provider.
2. Contactor– and copyright
The published content of the website subjects to the German contactor- and copyright. Every of contactor- and copyright non allowed application demands a former written acceptance of the provider or the particular rights holder. This is especially true for copying, editing, translating, saving, converting and rendering of content in database or in other elec-tronic media or systems. Content and rights of third persons are characterized. Piracy of several contents or complete sites is not allowed chargeable. Simply the creation of copies and downloads for private use is al-lowed. Links to the website of the provider are every time acceptable and do not need any approval of the provider. The display of this web-sites in foreign frames is only allowed if it is approved.
3. Data security
By visiting the website the provider is able to collect information like date, time, regarded page. These data do not belong to person related data but they are anonymous. The information will only evaluated due to statistically purposes. A dissemination to others, in commercial or non-commercial reasons, does not take place. The provider does advert expressly that the data transmission in the internet (e.g. at the communication by e-mail) can exhibit security holes and are not completely safe from access of third persons.
Using the contact data of the imprint due to commercial advertise-ment is expressly undesired. The provider and everyone who is named on the website are hereby contrary to every commercial use and dissemination of your data.
4. Applicable law
Only the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany is essential.
5. Specific terms of use
As far as specific terms for several use departures from aforemen-tioned numbers 1.-4. , there will be advert expressly at the par-ticular position. In this case obtains in particular individual case the specific terms of use.
Source: - Disclaimer, Urteile, Rechtsanwälte, Übersetzer & Lexikon | Webhosting