Founded in Frankfurt am Main in 1969
accepted by the General Assembly in Geneva on 21 March 1985
modified by the General Assembly in Frankfurt on 4 September 1990
modified by the General Assembly in Amsterdam on 1 October 1992
modified by the General Assembly in Paris on 25 October 1994
modified by the General Assembly in London on 6 October 1998
modified by the General Assembly in Madrid on 30 October 2000
modified by the Extraordinary General Assembly in Hanover on 6 June 2005
modified by the General Assembly in Paris on 18 March 2019
Art. 1: Establishment and title
1.1 EUROFEU is a European-based Association of the fire protection equipment-, systems-, firefighting vehicle and firefighting agents industry. Manufactures, designers, installers and maintainers, certifiers and insurers of such equipments can become members. In consideration of the benefits of mutual co-operation they hereby establish an organisation named
European Committee of the Fire Protection and the Fire
Fighting Industry
Comité Européen des Constructeurs de Matériels d'Incendie et de Secours
Europäisches Komitee für die Brandschutz- und Brandbekämpfungsindustrie
1.2 The members of EUROFEU declare that they will exercise mutual goodwill and will strive to reach their decisions by consensus having due regard for the vital and traditional interests of each member.
Art. 2: The aim of EUROFEU
2.1 The aim of EUROFEU is to establish and promote common policies on matters of mutual interest affecting all aspects of the fire trade in Europe.
Art. 3: Membership
3.1 There shall be three classes of members, namely
a) Association Members
b) Company Members
c) Observers
3.2 National associations from EU or EFTA countries engaged in activities described in Art. 1 may become Association Members.
3.3 Individual companies from EU or EFTA countries engaged in activities described in Art.1 may become Company Members.
3.4 National associations or companies from countries outside EU or EFTA may participate as Observers.
3.5 All EUROFEU members shall belong to one or more Sections.
3.6 Application for Membership
Membership applications must be addressed in writing to the President of EUROFEU who will inform the relevant Section and ask for recommendation.
3.7 Granting / Non-granting of Membership
All membership applications will be considered by the Presidential Committee after consultation with the relevant Section. When membership is decided by the simple majority of the members of the Presidential Committee, it shall be granted.
3.8 Termination of Memberships
3.8.1 Withdrawal Membership may be withdrawn for important reasons immediately by the Presidential
Committee by simple majority vote for important reasons, particularly i.e. if the member was acting against the interests of EUROFEU and/or its members. The member should have the right of appeal. In the event, a member did not pay the subscription fee after invoicing and dunning letter, the Presidential Committee may withdraw membership immediately and inform General Assembly accordingly.
3.8.2 Resignation
Members may resign by giving at least six month notice in writing to the President of EUROFEU.
Art. 4: Organisation of EUROFEU
4.1 The activities of EUROFEU shall be undertaken by:
Art. 5: General Assembly
5.1 Composition
The General Assembly consists of the Presidential Committee, one delegation for each country having one or more Association members, company members and all Observers. The size of the delegation for each national association is unlimited. Delegates shall either be employees of firms which are members of national associations, or carry on some activity within such associations or member companies. Each delegation shall appoint a leader.
5.2 Voting
When voting applies, the following voting rights are valid:
Association Member: three (3) votes
Company Member: one (1) vote (max. 2 votes per group incl. all subsidiaries)
Observer: no (0) vote.
5.3 Frequency of meetings
5.3.1 The General Assembly shall meet at least once every two years.
5.3.2 When requested by the Presidential Committee or by at least one quarter of all Full Members an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened.
5.4 Functions of the General Assembly
The General Assembly shall
a) exercise all the rights of EUROFEU;
b) establish new Sections;
c) elect the President; reelection is possible
d) determine the country of the Future President;
e) agree on alterations to the Statutes or dissolution by a three-quarter majority of those members present or represented at the General Assembly;
f) agree the annual subscriptions to EUROFEU;
g) approve the accounts and budget of EUROFEU;
h) discharge the acts of the Presidential Committee and the Secretary General;
i) confirm the Presidential Committee's recommendation for Secretary General.
Art. 6: Presidential Committee
6.1 Composition
The Presidential Committee of EUROFEU consists of
a) the President;
b) the immediate past President;
c) the designated Future President as First Vice-President;
d) the Chairmen of the Sections as Vice-Presidents;
e) further representatives who, on the proposal of the Presidential Committee, may be co-opted from EU and EFTA countries not otherwise represented.
6.2 Votings
Where a vote is called for, each member country present shall have one (1) vote. In addition, there shall be one (1) vote for each Section present. The decisions shall be taken by simple majority of the attending members.
6.2b) Nominating of the President
The president is nominated by the associations of that country, that is holding the presidency
6. 3 Tasks of the President and the First Vice-President
The President, and when he is prevented from acting, the First Vice-President
a) represents EUROFEU;
b) is Chairman of the General Assembly, of the Presidential Committee and of such other meetings as may be agreed;
c) may participate in any Section meeting.
The term of office for the President is two years.
6. 4 Tasks of the Vice-Presidents
The Vice-Presidents, and when they are prevented from acting, their representatives, shall
a) represent the interests of the Sections;
b) participate in the meetings of the Presidential Committee;
c) co-ordinate all activities of their Section;
d) act as formal liaison between Presidential Committee and the Sections.
6. 5 Tasks of the Presidential Committee
The Presidential Committee
a) determines general policy;
b) prepares the Agenda for the General Assembly;
c) prepares the decisions to be taken by the General Assembly;
d) determines its rules of procedure;
e) interprets and upholds the Statutes in case of deficiency, ambiguity or conflict, if necessary;
f) recommends the annual subscriptions and the budget;
g) appoints the representatives of EUROFEU to other organisations;
h) recommends a Secretary General for EUROFEU.
Art. 7: Sections
7.1 Sections shall be established to deal with tasks which, because of their economic, technical or other aspects need specific attention.
Sections shall promote and represent the general policy of EUROFEU and have full autonomy over their working programme. In case of conflict with EUROFEU general policy, or the interests of other Sections, this must be co-ordinated with the Presidential Committee, whose decision shall be final.
7.2 Sections shall be responsible for their own organisation and administration, and may publish internal rules as needed.
7.3 Activities shall be paid out of their own funds which are financed by their members.
7.4 All members of a Section shall be active in the relevant trade.
7.5 The Sections shall elect a Chairman from among their members. If there are no other internal rules, the Sections shall elect the Chairman for a period of not more
than 2 years re-election is possible). They shall nominate a Secretary.
7.6 Working Groups and Task Force Groups may be established within the Sections to deal with specific tasks.
7.7 The Chairmen are the representatives of their Section and are Vice-Presidents in the Presidential Committee.
7.8 The Sections shall keep close contacts with the Secretariat General of EUROFEU and with the other Sections as and when appropriate.
7.9 The Chairman shall make a report on the work programme and activities of his or herSection at the General Assembly.
Art. 8: Secretariat General
8.1 A Secretariat General controlled by a Secretary General is appointed to conduct basic EUROFEU business.
8.2 The Secretariat General undertakes all work delegated to it by the General Assembly, in close accordance with the President and the secretariats of the Sections.
8.3 The Secretary General shall not take part in votes of the General Assembly.
Art. 9: Official language
9.1 The official language at the General Assembly is English. Publications, reports and minutes for the General Assembly shall be prepared in English.
Art. 10: Financing the work of EUROEU
10.1 The current costs of the Secretariat shall be covered by the budget of EUROFEU whose income shall derive from the annual subscriptions of all members.
These Statutes may be modified according to art. 5.4.
The English text shall prevail.